Please click title for more about the Discussion of Laudato Si' Updated Zoom information (also updated in the article) To join the Zoom session, click on a few minutes before 7 p.m. on the 29th. If it doesn’t work, here are the meeting ID (880 2160 7474) and password (696971).
The Caldwell Family Centre is hosting a virtual Harvest of hope event on Thursday, October 1st. There is an on-line auction, an hour presentation on Rogers’ community network featuring Sam Laprade with guest hosts Daniel and Bibi Alfredsson, and an opportunity to order a meal to eat at home on October 1st or to obtain a meal coupon for a later date. Please click the title for more!
Our Parish’s focus on the fifth anniversary year of Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home will begin on Tuesday evening, September 29. The format will be an online discussion via Zoom from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Sign-up instructions will be announced closer to the date. Click on title for more details.