L'Arche and Jean Vanier One Year Later - A Constructive Response
with Kevin Burns Sunday, June 20, 2021 at 2:30 PM
Zoom link below. A recording will not be available on-line afterward (see bottom for notes)
Focusing on "What do we do now?", writer and documentary producer Kevin Burns explores the impact of witnessing a celebrated hero fall. He offers some “building blocks” that can help as we work to rebuild resilience both individually and as a community. History, after all, is filled with troubling legacies and even more surprising turnarounds. This is a form of live radio presentation that combines archival clips, music, and photography. He hopes to promote a thoughtful conversation about remembering and about moving forward beyond disappointment, given the vital importance of L'Arche. Kevin Burns is a writer: Genius Born of Anguish - The Life and Legacy of Henri Nouwen, Henri Nouwen - His Life and Spirit, and Impressivley Free - Henri Nouwen as a Model for a Reformed Priesthood; a radio documentary producer: Stalking the Holy - The Politics of Saintmaking, and Genius Born of Anguish the Life and Legacy of Henri Nouwen, both CBC Ideas series; and editor of many books about religion and spirituality. He is a member of St. Basil’s parish community in Ottawa. He worked with Jean Vanier on one of his key books Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus through the Gospel of John, an experience that forms the basis of this presentation.
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PLEASE NOTE: This is a live presentation and includes commercial audio and visual source material. Conforming with copyright restrictions, it cannot be posted online. It will be recorded for archival purposes and will be available on request for consultation on-site at St. Basil's Church.