Again with the kind generosity of St Basil's parishioners the parish will be sponsoring a Christmas hamper/gift program. The key dates to remember are:
November 26th/27th: The weekend the Christmas tree with gift name tags will be set up in the church entrance
December 10th/11th: The deadline weekend to return wrapped Christmas gift donations
December 13th : The day that we are preparing the Christmas parcels in the church hall for delivery.
) December 17th/18th: Parcels are ready after each mass for delivery to recipients by parishioners.
As has been the practice for several years, name tags with age/gender information will be on a Christmas tree at the church entrance. Please take a tag or two and purchase a gift for the child. Return the wrapped gift
WITH the gift tag attached by the deadline date above. We will need a few volunteers on December 13th between 9:30 and 11:30 am in church hall, to assist with getting the Food & Christmas gift packages ready for delivery. Parcels will be ready for delivery by parishioners after all masses on December 17th and 18th. If anyone has any questions or wants to volunteer to help prepare the Christmas packages please contact Michael and Michelle Gleeson at 613-729-5299 or