Celebrate Gaudete Sunday A Time For Reflection A Prayer Service for Advent Too busy, too busy, too busy. Isn’t that the sound of the Advent Season with which we are most familiar? Maybe it is time to catch our breath and reflect on what is really important? What better time than Gaudete Sunday? Gaudete is a theme that expresses the joy of anticipation for Christmas. This year, the St. Basil’s Women in the Church Ministry invites everyone to take a short time out. At 2:00 p.m., Sunday, December 15, 2024, we will have a unique Advent prayer service.At this hectic time of year, give yourself the gift of time for a quiet reflection through prayers and music of what the season means for Christians. This is also a time when we want to remember our friend, Katharina Czerny, in a special way. The short service will be followed by a social time with muffins and coffee. Kathy was affectionally known as The Muffin Lady because of her muffin ministry with the Carlington Chaplaincy. In these past six months since she went on her final journey, we have missed her greatly. She was a founding member of the Women in the Church Ministry - a group which works toward the inclusion of women in the life of the Catholic Church. We want to remember her legacy of light given, as she once said, one muffin at a time.
Please join us and please bring your family and friends. There are muffins for everyone. Everyone is welcome. For more details, email stbasilswomenministry@gmail.com