LAUDATO SI’ SESSION ON SEPTEMBER 29 Our Parish’s focus on the fifth anniversary year of Laudato Si’: On Care for our Common Home will begin on Tuesday evening, September 29. The format will be an online discussion via Zoom from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Sign-up instructions will be announced closer to the date. All parishioners are welcome and urged to participate! To prepare, please watch Laudato Si: A Canadian Response. This 35-minute documentary is available free on-line at (or just type the title into your browser). It was made soon after the encyclical was published and features interviews with nine Canadian figures, some very well known (e.g. David Suzuki), from both religious and secular contexts. After viewing the video, please think about what you find especially striking in it, and points that you’d like to have explored further. As moderator, I will make sure that everyone has a chance to speak.
We’ll also have special guests to further the discussion and answer questions: John Dorner, the head of the Care for Creation program of the Archdiocese; the filmmaker, Kevin Moynihan; St. Basil’s parishioner Jim Ramsay to answer science questions; Father Daryold; and members of our parish Green Team. This program has been chosen to refresh and extend our knowledge of the encyclical during the Season of Creation that is being celebrated in our Parish. It also lays the groundwork for future sessions, still being planned, that will dig deeper into practical applications of Laudato Si’ in our personal lives, our Parish, and the wider world. A final note: St. Basil’s is partnering with Holy Canadian Martyrs Parish in these sessions, so you’ll meet some new faces and voices on your computer screen! Please contact me if you have questions, suggestions or offers of help: Bob Czerny,, 613-858-6936. (An experienced Zoom meeting manager would be a big help!)