This exhibition of 22 photographs featuring members of the L’Arche Ottawa community is the fruit of a formation program Henrietta Kelemen undertook in 2016-2017 called “Growing in the Mission”. Participants spent intentional time reflecting on the Mission of L’Arche, their personal mission in life and the intersection of the two. In response to the challenge of “announcing” the gift of L’Arche to the wider community, she chose to capture a different facet of community life in her photography. Henrietta sees the phrases that appear beneath the photographs as describing the essence of the Mission of L’Arche becoming a reality, as L'Arche members transform each other in the mutuality of community life, sharing their gifts with each other. Henrietta Kelemen occupies the position of Community Life and Volunteer Coordinator with L'Arche Ottawa. Meet Henrietta and members of L'Arche Ottawa in the Narthex over coffee following the 10 am Mass on Sunday, September 3.