2020 Christmas Hamper Program A lot has been impacted this past year by COVID-19. However, the generosity and thoughtfulness of St. Basil’s parishioners has not faltered, and we are still welcoming any contributions. You can use the special envelope for the Christmas exchange, or any white envelope. We will be continuing with the Christmas gifting and food hamper program this year, although the process will be a little different. In terms of specific scheduled dates and or key points, please see below.
The delivery of hampers will be spaced out over several days in the month of December this year, therefore we need to receive the wrapped/tagged gifts as soon as possible. The deadlines/key points for the 2020 program are as follows:
Weekend of December 5-6, 2020: Deadline to return the wrapped gift ALONG with the coded gift tags. Gifts can be left under the Christmas Tree. It is not necessary to bring gifts back only on Sundays, they can be dropped off any time during the week, either in the Narthex or at the parish office.
Weekend of December 12-13: This would usually be the weekend for pick and delivery of the gifts and food boxes. This year, because of COVID-19, we will NOT be gathering in the parish hall for the normal assembly process, nor will we be asking for volunteers after masses to sign up and make the deliveries. A very small group of volunteers will be making the deliveries spread out over a several days in the month of December.
On behalf of the recipients of these food boxes and children’s gifts, thank you very much for your continued generosity and support of this program.